Unwanted starlight sounds like an oxymoron:but for the moron stuck with the problem it is anything but a joke.
.It is often we find a worm at the heart of an unwanted starlight project. These ideas come at night and are scribbled onto a bedside notepad but in the cool morning, one wakens up to an un-weeded garden of unfinished inventions and projects. It is hard to be a recluse when everyone is looking for you to pay you for Go's from the Goodwill Foundation , not officially due to launch for nearly a year (on12/12/2012, in fact) – or people wanting to be the front man for projects – sensing fame without the worry of working for it. (there are a lot of wannabes out there) but one cannot have a front man who turns out to be a secret axe murderer: another example is putting the despair of a person out on the Eleanor Rigby chapel site which resulted in too much attention for the lonely individual involved. The Sargent Peppers lonely hearts Club failed because everyone thought you had to go to England to meet.
And there is no accounting for those who expected real space tickets from The Galaxy Marine experience. For less than $100?
The hope pill showed that, what people wanted in their despair, was not your friendship but some money to get their creditors off their backs – a sympathetic ear didn’t cut the mustard. These weeds cluttering up the garden of unwanted starlight are out there now, some even generating money but seldom with a personal saviour who is seeing them through even though they are all free to own and take over control. If you are a good adminisrator there is probably one waiting for you watch on twitter@davechambere1 new inventions come up every day and they are free, although we invite contributions if you make your bundle from here. it is a pleasure to see your success. we cannot after all do everything. there is no time!
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